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Sonia Pimentel


My name is Sonia Pimentel I have lived in the Yuba/Sutter area over 40 years. I am a mother of one adult son. I have been with AHA since 2013. I graduated from Lindhurst H.S the class of 1990.

I currently work for California Tribal TANF Partnership; I am a Site Manager for the Yuba-Sutter County area.  I have been employed for 13 years providing assistance to Native American families.

I really enjoy giving back to my committee in any way that I can whether it be by volunteering in events and or networking with others for the betterment of my community.

Margaret Fernandez

Vice President

Margaret is one of the co-founders of the Alliance for Hispanic Advancement.  In the 30+ years of AHA, she has served as President, Vice President and currently, the chair of the Business & Economic Development committee. Her expertise and experience involves worker development, business opportunities and development/retention for the Yuba Sutter area.  She works closely with the community to ensure that the Hispanic businesses and consumer interests are represented in our community.  

Debbie Porcayo


When did you become a member of the AHA? February, 1992. I am a founding member

Spouse’s name: Juan de Dios Porcayo

Family:Juan Montes Porcayo Jr., Reina Nicole Porcayo-Hull, Isaias Alfredo aka “Freddie” Porcayo, Elisa Yolanda Porcayo, as of today, 11 grandchildren, 9 great-grandchildren

Occupation:Parent Liaison at Yuba City High School, Interpreter/Translator at Yuba City Unified School District, Independant Notary Public

Other clubs or organization associations:Board Member at Ampla Health, Member of California School Employees Association

Areas of concern for the Hispanic community: Gangs, Drugs, teen pregnancy, high school drop-out rate.

Goals, dreams, desires (ideas) for AHA: My big dream is to have a AHA Community Center with services for the underserved, a recreation center and a big kitchen. 

Daria Ali


I have lived in the Yuba-Sutter area since 2002 years and have had family roots here since birth, as my grandparents lived in Sutter. I joined AHA in 2008, am a past-president, and in 2022 rejoined the AHA board. I am pleased to be a part of this team and organization that has been so resilient and responsive through the recent pandemic.

While I am retired, my recent career path included two awesome opportunities as a Consultant primarily serving as Executive Director of Shady Creek Foundation as well as a Financial Representative for Modern Woodmen Fraternal Financial. My other community engagements have ranged from Chamber Ambassador, Planning Commissioner for both Yuba City and Sutter County, and Ampla Board Member to name a few. My personal hobbies include travel, gardening, walking, and I am passionate to make a positive impact in my community.

Eric Paredes

Board Member

Vera Correa

Board Member

I grew up in the Gridley area, being one of eleven children of immigrant parents. I have lived in the Yuba-Sutter area for over 40 years.

I am a business owner, have one grown daughter, son-in-law and grandson.

I have been with AHA since 1993, I also participate in various other community groups:

  • Yuba County Community Services
  • Yuba County Planning Commission
  • Yuba County Eco & Bus
  • Yuba-Sutter Art’s
  • Yuba-Sutter Int’l Women’s Conference
  • Women of the Year Award

Sharon Foote

Board Member

Having been an AHA member for some time, I have just recently joined
the board of directors. My leadership history includes more than a
decade on the Yuba-Sutter Arts Board, while currently I am President of
the Sutter County Democratic Committee and a member of Bridges to

David Perez


I am a member of the Alliance for Hispanic Advancement, because I have a strong interest to serve and assist our Yuba Sutter Latinx Community.

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Omar Sanchez

Board Member

 My name Is Omar Sanchez, and I moved to the Yuba/Sutter area in 2022.  I have been involved with AHA since 2023, and I love helping my community in whatever way I can. Currently, I am a professor of Ethnic Studies at Yuba College, and I have worked with students in different capacities over my career. I have been an education advisor, a counselor, a college recruiter, and I really enjoy working with students.

I have a BA in Comparative Ethnic Studies from Washington State University and a MA in Chicana and Chicano Studies from  California State University, Northridge. I love going to music concerts, especially rock en español and punk shows. I also love riding my bike and going to the beach.