* October Activities *
* Latino Game Fest! *
Come and play various Latino games, win prizes, take some giveaways and most important…have some fun! Hosted by Campus Life
October 2 and 3 from 11:00-2:00pm, Marysville Campus, 300 Quad
October 5 from 9:00-12:00 pm, Sutter County Center, Cafe Area
Our Students, Our Stories – Immigration Stories: From narratives take from the book, Somewhere We Are Human, by Reyna Grande and Sonia Guinansaca, to Puente students immigration stories. Hosted by Puente Program
October 5 from 1:00-2:15pm, Marysville Campus RM 201
October 10 RM 201: Jamie Cortez Artist and Author, Hosted by Puente Program